Parking Management and Vehicle Immobilization

Car Boot

ParkLock Pros

ParkLock Pros is a vehicle immobilization company enforcing parking rules for Apartment Complexes, Shopping Centers, Homeowners Associations, and Property Management Companies. Our company is fully licensed and insured in Palm Beach County. We specialize in patrolling and monitoring parking areas and enforcing parking rules. With our service, there is no need for a tow truck. The cost is significantly less, and there is no damage liability. Booting is the fastest, most convenient, and most effective way to enforce property parking rules. Vehicle immobilization also sends a message to others when they see parking boots deployed within the parking lot. The vehicles are immobilized at the owner’s expense and once payment is received the parking boot is removed within one hour.

We work with neighborhoods and communities to keep them safe and control parking problems.

24/7 Availability (except holidays)

No Vehicle Liability

Quick Response Time

After Hours Patrolling

Family Owned & Operated

All Parking Regulations Enforced

Cost Effective Solution Compared to Towing

Fully Licensed & Insured in Martin County, Palm Beach County, and St. Lucie County

Holidays (closed all day and following night)

  • New Years Eve
  • New Years Day
  • Easter
  • Independence Day
  • Thanksgiving Day
  • Christmas Eve & Day